Archive for November, 2011

Most people work in their business for years without realising that the business is supposed to work for them

Do you own a business or do you own a job? Do you own the business or does the business own you? The main game of business is for it to grow and in that growing provide you, the owner, with two things. More cash in your pocket and more time to do what you want.

Sadly too many folk in business don’t have enough cash and put in unreasonable hours and so neither is accomplished.

This needn’t be and it shouldn’t be. In the book “Fire in My Belly” (Out Soon) it details how to change all this to the positive. It is chocked full of little known powerful ideas that separate those whom build wealth and those who struggle without it.

In the meantime while you are waiting for the book to come out, examine your mindset. What is it that you think about most of the time? Do you focus on solutions or are you bogged down in problems?\

Are you a worrier or someone who is all fired up about the possibilities that life holds and is consistently delivering.

Simply by deciding that regardless of what you are confronted with you will find a solution is the beginning of greatness.

Meet with most folk and ask them how they are going and with too many it won’t be long before they are telling you about the difficulties they are confronting.

They feed all this crap thinking into their minds day in and day out and then wonder why life is so unkind.

They go from drama to drama to drama and sadly those dramas have a common theme of sameness. Life is a rerun of the
previous dramas.

The upshot of this is the business owns them and dictates what they do and how they do it.

The business model should not and need not be that way.

Turning it around is simple. Start thinking and living solutions and don’t acknowledge the finality of the problems only the possibilities of great solutions.

It boils down to one thing; we either think prosperity and have booming businesses and WE OWN THE BUSINESS or we
think poverty and we spend our lives ducking and diving and THE BUSINESS OWNS US.

How do you tell if you have a poverty consciousness: Simple, if you find yourself continually saying “I can’t afford that” and then justifying it with facts then you have the affliction.

On the other hand when you say, “I can find the money for this” Two things happen, the money turns up in your life and you are living a much happier lifestyle.

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