Posted 2nd July 2011

An often bandied around saying is Money is Power. Put a hundred dolls
on your desk and see what it does? Nothing. It not Money that’s power, PEOPLE ARE POWER.

Its the PEOPLE who have the ability to take A BIG IDEA, or be part of A BIG IDEA and progress it and themselves into something worthwhile who have the real power.

Here’s an interesting question: Are you part of A BIG IDEA that will give you economic security and significant WEALTH?. The reason why that’s an interesting question is that most people aren’t.

Most folk have a job, a house and a superannuation and maybe an investment or two. Is that part of A BIG IDEA or just a plan that will give you some degree of income when you

You can have your own BIG IDEA or you can be locked into being part of A BIG IDEA that another person or company is growing. Regardless ANY BIG IDEA can only grow through PEOPLE. Seek one out if you are not part of one already and get A FIRE IN YOUR BELLY and go for it.

My aim here is not to suggest what THE BIG IDEA, merely to suggest that you should be part of one.

THE END OF THE WORLD     Posted 5th July 2011

There are those who believe that the end of the modern world as we know
it will come about when we run out of oil.

Diesel engines brought a new dimension to the use of fossil fuels.
However in the beginning it wasn’t the diesel engine that made the difference,
it was the bright spark who created the fuel injection system that made diesel
engines an attractive and viable alternative.

Back then this “fuel injector,” instantly moved diesel mileage from around 8 mpg to more than 30 mpg… effectively increasing the
life of our known oil supplies by more than 375%.

You see, we never did have an “oil” or “energy” problem. We had a human ingenuity problem. And it was human ingenuity that
solved it.

There are literally millions of such examples. Virtually everything is in a state of evolution and being improved. Look around you and pick from everything that’s there and take  whatever it is you choose and start to figure out where it will be in 20
or 50 years’ time and then start to make it happen TODAY.



It was Elanora Roosevelt that said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” The issue is many have is that they blame others for the way they feel. Its only when we take 100% responsibility for how we feel that we gain control over ourselves and our lives.

Albert Einstein added to the notion by saying “Weakness of Attitude becomes weakness of character.” I think it could also be put this way, “Be strong in the tough times, don’t lose sight of the big picture you have set for yourself  and you will attract the good
times back into your life.”.

Mahatma Ghandi is famous for many things including this statement “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” I like to paraphrase that to “We must be the change we want to see in OUR world.”

Fire up, get a FIRE IN YOUR BELLY about what you want and it start to
appear in your life.



Carl Sandburg, one of Americas most celebrated poets and authors once said “Blessed are those who expect
nothing for they shall not be disappointed”.

Nice quote, however I beg to challenge Mr Sandburg. Many folk I know who expect nothing, sure that might receive nothing or very little, but are they really happy?

It was Aristotle who wrote way back in 300 BC “Man is a goal seeking animal. His life has meaning only if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.”  That would suggest that achieving nothing has little meaning and may well be part of a disappointing life.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the book; Psychocybernetics, hypothesizes that each individual has a “success mechanism” that is part of the subconscious mind. This success mechanism continually searches for ways to help the individual reach its targets and resolve problems.


Seeking nothing or something, being disappointed or not, my point is to encourage everyone to have a goal, reach out for it, put your goal seeking mechanism into to play and I’m confident you won’t be disappointed.

More important than a TO DO LIST? Posted 12th July 2011

One the old ideas that goes under a constant remake and now serves millions of people every day is the TO DO LIST although I prefer to call it THE MUST DO LIST.

However there is another list that seldom gets a mention and it could well be the very list that will be the most productive list you can have. It’s the WHAT I MUST STOP DOING LIST and could also include WHAT I MUST NOT DO LIST.

Simple enough idea and if we are really honest  with ourselves there are many things that could go on such a list.

Things like:

  • I must not put off going to the gym
  • I must not leave things unfinished
  • I must not blame others when things are not
    going right
  • I must avoid not helping others when they need a
  • I must not get involved with gossip
  • I must not eat food that I know is not good for
  • I must stop looking for ideas why things won’t

These are just a few random thoughts and one way or another gathers in most of us. Your challenge is to build your own list and then most importantly monitor it. Its likely right here is some of your ideas that will bring a more positive dimension into your life.

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