
I have just completed writing my 8th book. This one is on business and has the title "Fire in My Belly". It tells the story of how we turned Westcoast Brewing around from burning $100 000.00 a month and $878 000.00 in unpaid thirty day accounts to be debt free and making profits. Many lessons were learnt and this intriguing story will weave you into the drama while being laced with coal face tips and ideas on how to raise capital in tough times through to finding ideal people and bringing them into your business. Certainly not a text book, rather a how to book with a real life story of immense proportions when it came to impossible obstacles. On the book shelves in 2011.


Ideas are like slippery fish you must gaff them on the end of a pencil or they will get away

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Most people work in their business for years without realising that the business is supposed to work for them

Do you own a business or do you own a job? Do you own the business or does the business own you? The main game of business is for it to grow and in that growing provide you, the owner, with two things. More cash in your pocket and more time to do what you want.

Sadly too many folk in business don’t have enough cash and put in unreasonable hours and so neither is accomplished.

This needn’t be and it shouldn’t be. In the book “Fire in My Belly” (Out Soon) it details how to change all this to the positive. It is chocked full of little known powerful ideas that separate those whom build wealth and those who struggle without it.

In the meantime while you are waiting for the book to come out, examine your mindset. What is it that you think about most of the time? Do you focus on solutions or are you bogged down in problems?\

Are you a worrier or someone who is all fired up about the possibilities that life holds and is consistently delivering.

Simply by deciding that regardless of what you are confronted with you will find a solution is the beginning of greatness.

Meet with most folk and ask them how they are going and with too many it won’t be long before they are telling you about the difficulties they are confronting.

They feed all this crap thinking into their minds day in and day out and then wonder why life is so unkind.

They go from drama to drama to drama and sadly those dramas have a common theme of sameness. Life is a rerun of the
previous dramas.

The upshot of this is the business owns them and dictates what they do and how they do it.

The business model should not and need not be that way.

Turning it around is simple. Start thinking and living solutions and don’t acknowledge the finality of the problems only the possibilities of great solutions.

It boils down to one thing; we either think prosperity and have booming businesses and WE OWN THE BUSINESS or we
think poverty and we spend our lives ducking and diving and THE BUSINESS OWNS US.

How do you tell if you have a poverty consciousness: Simple, if you find yourself continually saying “I can’t afford that” and then justifying it with facts then you have the affliction.

On the other hand when you say, “I can find the money for this” Two things happen, the money turns up in your life and you are living a much happier lifestyle.

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Posted 14th July 2011

From time to time various folk knock on my door to recruit me into their religious cause. I have to say I am not a good prospect. My journey has seen me explore many ideals seeking to find the one that resonates the best for me. Have I found it? Well sort of. I am a spiritual person who respects all religions, dogmas and creeds and has arrived where I am with a few views that may be right and maybe wrong.

Usually I engage with these folk at the door and I suggest one simple premise about their strong beliefs that they want me to be part of.



I have yet to find one of these folk who will agree with this view. A simple view that there could be more and/or even a different possibility in what they believe. For me blind belief has its virtues as well as its demons.

Continually seeking out MORE UNDERSTANDING  seems like sensible logic and one that finds every new day laced with an ATTITUDE OF EXPLORING THE KNOWN AS WELL AS THE UNKNOWN and being ready to test the known for a better way.

This simple and confronting premise can be applied for the good in every area of our life.




Posted 15th July 2011

So you are in business, what’s your story then? Every business has a story even it’s not actively promoted. Your business is often only as good as its story and how well and how frequently you tell it. Sadly many businesses don’t know they even have a story. Is this because the owner of the business doesn’t really own a business they only own a job and are oblivious of the need for a great story.

Here’s an observable difference of those that grow significant businesses and those that struggle along. It’s their story and how they tell it. What’s your story?

It might begin with your slogan, a short sentence that sums up your point of difference. It should be the shortest possible way to tell the world why they should deal with you.

Our Franchise Networks (Stain Busters Cleaning Systems in Australia and You’ll Say WOW Carpet Cleaning in New Zealand) have the slogan; “WE’VE BUILT A BUSINESS ON THE STAINS OTHERS GIVE UP ON.”

The West Coast Bar and Grill: “MORE THAN JUST A BAR IT’S AN EXPERIENCE.”

Both slogans i.e. stories, silently work away all day every day as silent salesmen spreading the word within the many ways they are presented.

Your bigger story goes out further than that, it permeates amidst all that you do and all that you project. Your customer/client base recognises your story and responds to its message.

Those in business who work their story usually do well. It’s like a secret weapon over your opposition.

If you haven’t a good story, todays a great day to start working on one.



Posted 17th July 2011

I sincerely believe, as I’m sure we all do, that life is for enjoying.  When you get right down to it, our bodies are required to be kept in good nick if we are too achieve this.

In this modern age we dare not make a comment about folk who are obese in case we say the wrong thing. I know about the sensitivities one feels about one’s weight. I use to be carrying far more around than was good for a long life and I had a whole bunch of reasons why this was the case. None had any sort of reasonable logic. They just explained away to myself why I was obese. Sometime somewhere Someone has to tell us how it is and what we are are foolishly doing to our ability to look and feel good, have more energy, maintain better health and live longer. Maybe that someone is me and maybe its YOU and maybe it’s right now.

Rationalising my being overweight, I tried every diet on the planet and came to the same conclusion about them all. They just didn’t work. The truth was I DIDN’T WORK AT MAKING ANY OF THEM WORK. These were usually well-crafted plans on how to shed the kilos.

It wasn’t until I produced some FIRE IN MY BELLY about looking good that I actually started to lose weight and was able to maintain the discipline to keep those dreaded ugly bulges off.

The deep down truth was I wanted to LOOK GOOD, I wanted to FEEL GOOD, I wanted to HAVE MORE ENERGY, I wanted to LIVE LONGER, I wanted to NOT ATTRACT DEBILITATING ILLNESS’S.  Whether I wanted to admit it or not THE OPPOSITE TO ALL FIVE WERE ON MY “RIGHT NOW” AGENDA. I consistently denied myself of a better

Hey can you get five greater reasons to do something than these? Those five motivators jolted me into present time reality. They turned off the procrastination switch and turned on the SELF DISCIPLINE switch. The FIRE IN MY BELLY started to light up. Any one of them should be a powerful enough motivator for anyone to make the required changes. When you blend them all together WOW. Now there surely is a POWEFUL ALL CONQUERING FORCE.

Get these FIVE INVINCIBLE MOTIVATORS working for YOU and YOU will see the kilos melt away and a more dynamic, a better looking, a better feeling YOU will emerge. YOU will have more energy, YOU will live longer and YOUR health will move towards being in peak condition.

It’s all about YOU, a better more dynamic YOU – LIVING A LONGER BETTER LIFE and it’s also about RIGHT NOW.


Come back daily for new fuel for the Fire in your Belly on .

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Posted 2nd July 2011

An often bandied around saying is Money is Power. Put a hundred dolls
on your desk and see what it does? Nothing. It not Money that’s power, PEOPLE ARE POWER.

Its the PEOPLE who have the ability to take A BIG IDEA, or be part of A BIG IDEA and progress it and themselves into something worthwhile who have the real power.

Here’s an interesting question: Are you part of A BIG IDEA that will give you economic security and significant WEALTH?. The reason why that’s an interesting question is that most people aren’t.

Most folk have a job, a house and a superannuation and maybe an investment or two. Is that part of A BIG IDEA or just a plan that will give you some degree of income when you

You can have your own BIG IDEA or you can be locked into being part of A BIG IDEA that another person or company is growing. Regardless ANY BIG IDEA can only grow through PEOPLE. Seek one out if you are not part of one already and get A FIRE IN YOUR BELLY and go for it.

My aim here is not to suggest what THE BIG IDEA, merely to suggest that you should be part of one.

THE END OF THE WORLD     Posted 5th July 2011

There are those who believe that the end of the modern world as we know
it will come about when we run out of oil.

Diesel engines brought a new dimension to the use of fossil fuels.
However in the beginning it wasn’t the diesel engine that made the difference,
it was the bright spark who created the fuel injection system that made diesel
engines an attractive and viable alternative.

Back then this “fuel injector,” instantly moved diesel mileage from around 8 mpg to more than 30 mpg… effectively increasing the
life of our known oil supplies by more than 375%.

You see, we never did have an “oil” or “energy” problem. We had a human ingenuity problem. And it was human ingenuity that
solved it.

There are literally millions of such examples. Virtually everything is in a state of evolution and being improved. Look around you and pick from everything that’s there and take  whatever it is you choose and start to figure out where it will be in 20
or 50 years’ time and then start to make it happen TODAY.



It was Elanora Roosevelt that said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” The issue is many have is that they blame others for the way they feel. Its only when we take 100% responsibility for how we feel that we gain control over ourselves and our lives.

Albert Einstein added to the notion by saying “Weakness of Attitude becomes weakness of character.” I think it could also be put this way, “Be strong in the tough times, don’t lose sight of the big picture you have set for yourself  and you will attract the good
times back into your life.”.

Mahatma Ghandi is famous for many things including this statement “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” I like to paraphrase that to “We must be the change we want to see in OUR world.”

Fire up, get a FIRE IN YOUR BELLY about what you want and it start to
appear in your life.



Carl Sandburg, one of Americas most celebrated poets and authors once said “Blessed are those who expect
nothing for they shall not be disappointed”.

Nice quote, however I beg to challenge Mr Sandburg. Many folk I know who expect nothing, sure that might receive nothing or very little, but are they really happy?

It was Aristotle who wrote way back in 300 BC “Man is a goal seeking animal. His life has meaning only if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.”  That would suggest that achieving nothing has little meaning and may well be part of a disappointing life.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the book; Psychocybernetics, hypothesizes that each individual has a “success mechanism” that is part of the subconscious mind. This success mechanism continually searches for ways to help the individual reach its targets and resolve problems.


Seeking nothing or something, being disappointed or not, my point is to encourage everyone to have a goal, reach out for it, put your goal seeking mechanism into to play and I’m confident you won’t be disappointed.

More important than a TO DO LIST? Posted 12th July 2011

One the old ideas that goes under a constant remake and now serves millions of people every day is the TO DO LIST although I prefer to call it THE MUST DO LIST.

However there is another list that seldom gets a mention and it could well be the very list that will be the most productive list you can have. It’s the WHAT I MUST STOP DOING LIST and could also include WHAT I MUST NOT DO LIST.

Simple enough idea and if we are really honest  with ourselves there are many things that could go on such a list.

Things like:

  • I must not put off going to the gym
  • I must not leave things unfinished
  • I must not blame others when things are not
    going right
  • I must avoid not helping others when they need a
  • I must not get involved with gossip
  • I must not eat food that I know is not good for
  • I must stop looking for ideas why things won’t

These are just a few random thoughts and one way or another gathers in most of us. Your challenge is to build your own list and then most importantly monitor it. Its likely right here is some of your ideas that will bring a more positive dimension into your life.

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Keeping ourselves in peak mental condition for some comes naturally as they have been working on it for so long. Others find they lose their dynamism and have to revitalise it. It’s in these times that you are feeling less than motivated that it costs you big time.
So what can we do about it?
I like what Zig Ziglar said when he was told by someone “that motivation was no good as it didn’t last.” Zig replied: “It’s a bit like washing; you have to do it every day”.
Having a daily program of using positive outside influences is a sure way to keep ourselves focused and motivated.
• Motivational CD’s in your vehicle is an easy way to do this. You can buy any number of such CD’s from . I have bought many from them in the past and will buy more in the future.
• Reading a chapter or part of a chapter of a book first up in the morning can tune you in for the day.
• The magazine “SUCCESS” is my favourite for less than $100.00 (US$35.00 plus postage) you can have it delivered to your door every month. It contains an hour long CD every month and is guaranteed to have some great business building stuff from four or five speakers. You can go to their site on You can also sign up for their newsletter “Seeds of Success” which is one of the better business newsletters out there.
One of the very best ideas I have that works for me is doing this daily ritual of tunning my mind into my game through outside influences every working day. It pays dividends big time.
There is an old saying that really sums all of what I am endeavouring to convey here: “IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME.”

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“With a Fire in Your Belly doors open”

“With a Fire in Your Belly doors open that you don’t know are there, opportunities flock to you, sales skyrocket, employee morale heightens and you ALWAYS find a way through to whatever you want to achieve.”